Head-bangers rejoice! The Digitech XMM Metal Master brings powerful amp-sounding heavy metal distortion to make your guitar rage and sing. By adjusting the unique "Morph" knob, Digitech's multidistortion technology produces a wide array distortion types that can be "morphed" and combined. According to the original adspeak, these distortion types included "endless combinations of the most brain shredding, headbangin' distortions out there: the Boogie Mark III, Boss Metal Zone, DOD Death Metal, Rectifier, and beyond!" Hard to say how those tones actually fit into this pedal, but the results are hard to argue with—big gain saturation like you never knew you needed.
In addition to the Morph knob, the Digitech Metal Master has a "Level" control for the output and individual EQ controls for "Low" and "Hi." Within the realm of high gain distortion, it is fairly flexible, but doesn't really do much more than that. Unlike other comparable pedals, it does have a direct out with a cabinet simulator that you can run directly into a mixer. Fairly handy.
This used DigiTech XMM Metal Master shows some signs of wear and tear, but it's fairly clean all around and functions 100% as it should. The label on the underside is missing.