The latest installment from the highly acclaimed and sought after Rewind! Series features covers of classics such as "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac by Shawn Lee and Adrian Quesada's Electric Peanut Butter Company, a rousing reggae funk take by The Lions and Noelle Scaggs of Lynn Collin's "Think (About It)" and Monophonics' hit single "Bang Bang". It also includes previously unreleased covers of "Spill The Wine"
and "Daytripper" by jazz-funk master Johnny Frigo that were not included on his Luv N'Haight "Collected Works" release. Brownout Presents Brown Sabbath's well-received cover of "Planet Caravan" and post-punk anti-hero Black Randy's manic interpretation of James Brown's "Give It Up Or Turn It Loose" rounds out the eclectic vibe of the compilation. Although originally intended to be a digital-only compilation, fans everywhere of the Rewind! Series demanded a vinyl release so we have them to thank for making Rewind! 6 available on wax.